Q&A with Alanna McKeever, Tourism and Sales Executive at Long Meadow Cider

Name: Alanna McKeever

Occupation & Company: Tourism and Sales Executive at Long Meadow Cider

Tell us about your current role?

As a small family-run business, we all tend to do a little bit of everything. You could be in a meeting in the morning and making cider and then in the afternoon on-site in the production facilities. Every day is different, which I absolutely love.

I particularly enjoy the tourism and sales area of the business. I love showcasing our products, hosting tourism activations on the farm and growing sales which as a result further builds our business. We work heavily with a number of American tour operators to run tour experiences and events for the public held in our Bramley barn situated in the heart of the orchard. Watching people enjoy the farm, orchard and the beauty it has to offer makes the long hours more than worth it.

    How did you first get into the drinks industry?

    My grandfather planted the first mature trees on the family farm almost 60 years ago with the majority of our fruit being sold to the processing market. My father, Pat McKeever became involved at a young age and introduced new plantations to the family farm. It was my brother, Peter McKeever who really diversified our business into the drinks industry with his passion for wanting to produce more from our homegrown hand-picked fruit. This is how Long Meadow Cider was born in 2013.

    What is your favourite part about working in the industry?

    I am a sociable person and love to be around people. I love explaining and showcasing our products and witnessing the enjoyment our customers experience from our products. I also enjoy being around other producers within the drinks industry. We all know only too well the hard work everyone has to put into their business to get it to where it is today. So, it’s always nice to network with others within the industry and hear their story. Every business is on a journey so supporting and helping them in any way we can and vice-versa is always beneficial.

    We’re meeting up for a drink after work – what are you having?

    If it’s for a few drinks with the girls and a bit of a giggle it would have to be a good dry gin and tonic or if it is to unwind after a long week’s work and relax my go-to would be a glass of our own Rhubarb & Honey Cider which is stocked at ALDI currently. 

    You can only have one drink for the rest of your life, what’s in your glass?

    It would have to be our sparkling apple juice, a delicious blend of our homegrown, handpicked sweet apples. For that extra kick, a wee hip flask with a shot of gin always goes down a treat.

    It’s Saturday night, what restaurant are you going to?

    My husband always laughs at me when we go out for dinner because I always order the same thing. I LOVE pasta. Find me a good Italian restaurant with a comfy seating area and I’m happy.

    Is there a bucket list drink you want to try, or a dream drink destination you’d love to visit?

    The answer to this question would have been very different 10 years ago. I have done a bit of travelling over the years but one destination that is definitely on the bucket list would be Hawaii. I love the idea of just chilling on the beach, relaxing with a nice cocktail in a coconut watching the sunset.

    The most memorable experience of your career?

    Long Meadow Cider has been through many memorable experiences as a business as a whole, but for me personally, my most memorable experience to date would have to be getting selected for the Grow with ALDI 2024 programme. It is the first large account I have secured and to be able to do that together with and for my family makes it even more special. It’s an absolutely great opportunity for building our brand awareness, working with a key retailer like ALDI  is very exciting and I can’t wait to see where it leads us too.

    One thing you’d like to see more of in the drinks industry?

    The drinks industry has changed so much over the years with the introduction of so many amazing craft ciders, beers and gins. It gives people the opportunity to taste the fantastic local produce within Ireland. I would like to see this craft industry continue to grow and thrive and with the support of initiatives like Grow with ALDI, it gets easier every year.

    Any particular women you admire in the industry?

    There are so many amazing women within the drinks industry although I would have to say my Mum, Catherine McKeever. My mum has not only taught me all the things a mother normally teaches their daughter but my mum has helped guide me and teach me in everything I have learnt within my career. She has a world of knowledge when it comes to the drinks and tourism industry and I think when you work so closely with your family you also see them in a whole new light. They aren’t just your parents or siblings, they are these amazing people with outstanding skills and talents that you wouldn’t get to witness if you didn’t work alongside them. My mum is always by my side cheering me on no matter how big or impossible my dreams are for our family-run business. I owe everything I have accomplished to my parents.

    What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a career in the industry?

      Do your research. The drinks industry is a big business so have plenty of backup, a good support network and don’t be afraid to reach out to others in the industry for advice.

      About the Grow with Aldi Programme

        • Grow with ALDI is a supplier mentorship programme which gives small- and medium-sized Irish producers the unique chance to have their products listed nationally in ALDI’s 161 Irish stores.
        • The programme is run in partnership with Bord Bia and is now in its seventh year.
        • To date, ALDI has invested more than €10 million into Grow with ALDI illustrating its commitment to unearthing and developing new Irish products. The programme has produced countless success stories with many successful alumni products on shelves today at ALDI stores nationwide.
        • The programme brings Ireland’s most creative producers to ALDI stores and into Irish families’ homes, giving ALDI customers the chance to try some of the most innovative products Ireland has to offer.
        • The successful finalists will be chosen in spring and will progress to the next stage with 27 finalists getting the opportunity to have their products on shelves at ALDI for a two-week period in May.
        • Of the finalists, a group of winners will secure further contracts.

        Follow the Long Meadow Cider journey online below and connect with Alanna on LinkedIn here.

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